Installing FireDac Components for 64 bit, and error message opening a project

OK - probably a senior moment, but I just installed Rio yesterday, and this morning downloaded the latest FR Prof (6.2.13). Per other threads, I uninstalled the prior FR and deleted its directory, then performed the install of Fast Reports, back into Tokyo and then into Rio. The main package seems to have worked just fine

I seem to have gotten the 32 bit frx FireDac (frxFD25.dpk) component installed back into Tokyo, but when I go to install as 64 bit, am getting this error compiling:
[dcc64 Fatal Error] frxFD25.dpk(48): F2048 Bad unit format: 'frxFDComponents.dcu' - Expected version: 32.0, Windows Unicode(x64) Found version: 32.0, Windows Unicode(x86)

I thought I had installed this as 64 previously (but maybe not)?

Then onto Rio. Again, I seem to have been able to install the fdxD26.dpk package as 32 bit, but not 64.

Also, when I opened a major project (in Tokyo) that uses FastReport, I am getting an "Error Reading Form" message: Error reading frxPDFExport1.DiableMultChrGlph: Property DisableMultiCharGlph does not exist. Ignore the error and continue? Note: Ignoring the error may cause components to be deleted or property values to be lost.

(I press Ignore)

Then I get: Access violation at address 335C8F20 in module 'frx25bpl'. Write of address 00000004. Ignore the error and continue? Note: Ignoring the error may cause components to be deleted or property values to be lost

(I press Ignore)

The I get: Error creating form: Access Violation at address 500E4CF1 in module 'rtl250bpl.' Read of address 12132000

(I press OK)

Then I get: Error creating form: Access violation at address 335C8F20 in module 'frx25bpl'. Write of address 00000004

and it just goes on from there. I cannot get the project to open in Tokyo

Luckily, I do have a full backup image on different SSD from before I tried the Rio install - so will swap back to that disk for now.

Will appreciate any help and guidance!

Thanks, Rick Brodzinsky


  • PolomintPolomint Australia
    edited 10:01PM
    G'day Rick,

    Initial thoughts...
    Also, when I opened a major project (in Tokyo) that uses FastReport, I am getting an "Error Reading Form" message: Error reading frxPDFExport1.DiableMultChrGlph: Property DisableMultiCharGlph does not exist. Ignore the error and continue? Note: Ignoring the error may cause components to be deleted or property values to be lost.

    Which was the prior version of FR installed in your Tokyo environment?

    I have a vague memory of the property being "agressively deprecated" (i.e. deleted) some time back (perhaps in the FR v6 Beta Test). I remember we let the IDE delete it, when it was reported opening our Apps, and it was fine.

    When I am back at my desk, I'll look at your problem again...

    Cheers, Paul
  • edited 10:01PM
    Polomint wrote: »
    G'day Rick,

    Initial thoughts...
    Polomint wrote: »
    Also, when I opened a major project (in Tokyo) that uses FastReport, I am getting an "Error Reading Form" message: Error reading frxPDFExport1.DiableMultChrGlph: Property DisableMultiCharGlph does not exist. Ignore the error and continue? Note: Ignoring the error may cause components to be deleted or property values to be lost.

    Which was the prior version of FR installed in your Tokyo environment?

    I have a vague memory of the property being "agressively deprecated" (i.e. deleted) some time back (perhaps in the FR v6 Beta Test). I remember we let the IDE delete it, when it was reported opening our Apps, and it was fine.

    When I am back at my desk, I'll look at your problem again...

    Cheers, Paul

    Paul, I was using one of the later 6.1 versions (whatever was current in late August). I think I saw a different thread (after I posted) from late November, that mentioned this was deleted in 6.2. But wasn???t clear whether there is an issue or not. I just don???t want to break something in a project that was just deployed with over 50 reports.

    I still am not sure why I cannot properly install the FrxFD components without the other errors, so, for now, have the 6.1.x still in Tokyo, and nothing in Rio.

    Is there an easy way to install the newer code for Rio, but keep the older for Tokyo?
  • gpigpi
    edited 10:01PM
    I just don???t want to break something in a project that was just deployed with over 50 reports.
    Export filters properties doesn't stored in the report templates, so you don't break reports
    I seem to have gotten the 32 bit frx FireDac (frxFD25.dpk) component installed back into Tokyo, but when I go to install as 64 bit, am getting this error compiling:
    [dcc64 Fatal Error] frxFD25.dpk(48): F2048 Bad unit format: 'frxFDComponents.dcu' - Expected version: 32.0, Windows Unicode(x64) Found version: 32.0, Windows Unicode(x86)
    Use LibD25 folder for 10.2 x86, LibD25x64 for 10.2 x64, LibD26 for 10.3 x86, LibD26x86 for 10.3 x64
    Remove all path to FR's Source folder with subfolders from IDE's Library and Browse paths
  • edited 10:01PM
    gpi wrote: »
    Use LibD25 folder for 10.2 x86, LibD25x64 for 10.2 x64, LibD26 for 10.3 x86, LibD26x86 for 10.3 x64
    Remove all path to FR's Source folder with subfolders from IDE's Library and Browse paths

    Ahh! That is what I was doing wrong. I somehow was using the Source\FireDac code, rather than working directly from the libraries. As I said, senior moment (I had stopped programming, until recently, back in the Delphi 7, FR 2.5.1 days).

    So, just to make sure I am good (using Tokyo for example): I first open LibD25\frxFD25.dpk and compile. Then open LibD25\dclfdxFD25.dpk and compile. Then, right click on the bpl in the project window and select install. This gets me the 32 bit components. Then, do the same for LibD25x64. This will get me the FireDac components for either Windows platform. Correct? (then repeat in Rio, using ...D26)
  • edited 10:01PM
    brodzins wrote: »
    So, just to make sure I am good (using Tokyo for example): I first open LibD25\frxFD25.dpk and compile. Then open LibD25\dclfdxFD25.dpk and compile. Then, right click on the bpl in the project window and select install. This gets me the 32 bit components. Then, do the same for LibD25x64. This will get me the FireDac components for either Windows platform. Correct? (then repeat in Rio, using ...D26)

    I am still having issues! First, realized I needed to open Delphi with "run as admin": ok

    The 32 bit frxFD25 and dclfrxD25 compiled and installed fine. The 64 bit fdxD25 compiled fine, but when I try to compile the dclfrxD25.dpk package in the Lib25x64 directory, I get a failure with "DESIGNIDE" not found.

    I am very confused....

  • gpigpi
    edited 10:01PM
    The 64 bit fdxD25 compiled fine, but when I try to compile the dclfrxD25.dpk package in the Lib25x64 directory, I get a failure with "DESIGNIDE" not found.
    IDE is 32 bit, so you don't need dclfrxD25.dpk for 64 bit. fdxD25 is enough
  • edited 10:01PM
    gpi wrote: »
    gpi wrote: »
    The 64 bit fdxD25 compiled fine, but when I try to compile the dclfrxD25.dpk package in the Lib25x64 directory, I get a failure with "DESIGNIDE" not found.
    IDE is 32 bit, so you don't need dclfrxD25.dpk for 64 bit. fdxD25 is enough

    Once again, it installed the 32 bit component, but did not install the 64 bit; in either Tokyo (using the ..25 packages) or Rio (using the ..26 packages). I cannot seem to get the frxFDComponents installed in 64 bit.

    Also, in Rio, after installing the 6.2.13 base package, everything was fine, but as soon as the 32bit frxFDComponents installed, all the icons for every FastReport / FastScript component changed to the icon for the FD components. Tokyo was fine.

    PLEASE, someone provide me with a step-by-step guide to getting the new install right!
  • gpigpi
    edited 10:01PM
    Uninstall all instances of FR, remove all FR's files and folders (see system and hidden folders too), install FR again, copy all files from FireDAC folder to LibDXX and LibDXXx64 folders, compile frxFDXX.dpk packages, install dclfrxFDXX.dpk from LibDXX folder
  • edited 10:01PM
    gpi wrote: »
    Uninstall all instances of FR, remove all FR's files and folders (see system and hidden folders too), install FR again, copy all files from FireDAC folder to LibDXX and LibDXXx64 folders, compile frxFDXX.dpk packages, install dclfrxFDXX.dpk from LibDXX folder

    Followed exactly. Have a clean install, on both Win7 and Win10. All icons are good, and things seem ok.

    Except, when I hover over the frxFDComponents icon on the FastReports 6 toolbar, it still only shows "Support Platform: 32 bit Windows" -- does not show 64-bit support for the FireDac components.

    Oh well, I will just continue to supply a 32 bit program to the client -- not sure it is worth playing with any longer.

    Would recommend that the FD components get loaded automatically, just as the others, on install. This process was not fun.

    Rick Brodzinsky
  • gpigpi
    edited 10:01PM
    Modify frxFDComponents.pas
      [ComponentPlatformsAttribute(pidWin32 or pidWin64)]
      TfrxFDComponents = class(TfrxDBComponents)
  • edited 10:01PM
    gpi wrote: »
    Modify frxFDComponents.pas
      [ComponentPlatformsAttribute(pidWin32 or pidWin64)]
      TfrxFDComponents = class(TfrxDBComponents)

    Большое спасибо THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! Worked perfectly, and didn't require a full reinstall. Just removed the FR FireDac Component package, added the three lines to the source, recompiled the x32 and x64 bpl files, and reinstalled the design time package.

    Now to get back to the primary tasks for the client.

  • PolomintPolomint Australia
    edited 10:01PM
    G'day Rick,

    Has the fix in v6.2.15 solved this permanently for you?

    Cheers, Paul
  • edited 10:01PM
    Polomint wrote: »
    G'day Rick,

    Has the fix in v6.2.15 solved this permanently for you?

    Cheers, Paul


    Didn't realize there was a new release - having just gotten 6.2.13 working fully last week, been focused on client related issues (when not lying on the couch reading and napping -- love retirement).

    I will check it out this coming week, and report back


  • edited 10:01PM
    Polomint wrote: »
    G'day Rick,

    Has the fix in v6.2.15 solved this permanently for you?

    Cheers, Paul
    Paul and all,

    Yes, the changes as implemented in 6.2.15 do allow for the install of both the 32bit and 64bit versions of the FireDac Components, without any other editing required.

    One very weird thing I noted (but not a show stopper): the standard install worked perfectly. Then, in Rio, after installing the FD components, the component bar icons for the TfrxDockSite and TfrxScrollBox on the FRTools tab changed to the same icon as TfrxColorComboBox (the two green circles, with a red in the center

  • PolomintPolomint Australia
    edited January 2019
    brodzins wrote: »
    Not really a big deal, but thought to let you know. The icons are fine in Tokyo.
    Now that's a curious thing.

    Running through a quick checklist:
    - Does the DPK file reference a DCR file? -- OK
    - Does the DCR file exist? -- OK
    - Does the DCR file contain valid Bitmaps? -- Not Sure

    The attached screen-grab shows the "frxFDreg.dcr" file (from the LibD26 sub-folder) and the only Resource is named "TfrxADComponents"(?) The FireDAC glyph looks like it was created from the ADO equivalent...


    For good measure I did a compare with related files the LibD25 sub-folder, and the only differences I spotted were version numbers etc.

    So, the question I am asking is, "Why is this OK in Tokyo?" [img]style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/blink.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":blink:" border="0" alt="blink.gif" /> Cheers, Paul ==== EDIT Ahem! I've just checked a 10.2.3 installation, and the answer to my last question is: "It is not!"[/img]>
  • edited 10:01PM
    That is how the FD components have always looked since the first time I installed them a few months ago. Never knew what the symbol was or that it wasn???t supposed to be that. What I was pointing out were the three icons which changed to this on the FR Tools tab. But yeah, very weird. At least they all work correctly.

    And, FWIW, I noticed that the TfrxColorComboBox component also only shows 32bit, and that is a component that is auto installed. Have never used it, so never paid attention until doing this latest check.

    Started using Fast Reports almost 20 years ago, but only recently began major programming projects again. Still a fantastic library.

  • PolomintPolomint Australia
    edited 10:01PM

    I raised a Support Ticket (#531433 "FireDAC Component doesn't show expected Glyph on IDE Palette") to close this off. [img]style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/biggrin.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":D" border="0" alt="biggrin.gif" /> I'll have a look at our Delphi 10.3 installation when I can get onto that machine to check out the other issues you raise... Cheers, Paul[/img]
  • PolomintPolomint Australia
    edited January 2019
    brodzins wrote: »
    I noticed that the TfrxColorComboBox component also only shows 32bit, and that is a component that is auto installed. Have never used it, so never paid attention until doing this latest check.
    I followed the same battle-plan and discovered that:
    - "frxReg.pas" registers "TfrxDockSite", "TfrxScrollBox", "TfrxColorComboBox" on "FR6 Tools"
    - "DclFRX26.dpk" contains "frxReg.pas" and Resources in "frxReg.dcr"
    - "frxReg.dcr" does not contain "TfrxDockSite", "TfrxScrollBox", "TfrxColorComboBox"

    brodzins wrote: »
    Started using Fast Reports almost 20 years ago, but only recently began major programming projects again. Still a fantastic library.

    I agree, totally. [img]style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/cool.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid="B)" border="0" alt="cool.gif" /> Cheers, Paul[/img]
  • gpigpi
    edited 10:01PM
    Use dcr files from attach
  • PolomintPolomint Australia
    edited 10:01PM
    gpi wrote: »
    Use dcr files from attach
    Thanks GPI! I have done, and these fix the reported issues. I've left detailed responses with the Support Tickets.

    Appreciate the fast response to what are really only "cosmetic" problems... [img]style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/cool.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid="B)" border="0" alt="cool.gif" /> Cheers, Paul[/img]

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